Monday, November 29, 2010


Its a few days after the BIG DAY and all I can say is this year ,for the first time in quite a few years, finally was a really good Thanksgiving . I got to cook food, eat food, hang out with my family...including my gama... all day and I also got to spend time with Jess. Basically everyone I love very dearly besides my dad and sister were there to spend time together.

After I helped my mom make food all day I wasnt very hungry actually so I didnt even pig out which has been a goal but I never could stop myself. Yes I am proud.
Jess came and picked me up at my gamas which was awesome. We watched Rob and Big..many many episodes of Rob and Big....ate some rolls....he made fun of my southern twang and my inability to say rolls and oil...dont ask....we napped and drank alot of alcohol.

All in all it was a very successful day and Im already excited for next years.

A few days before Halloween my gama ,who was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago, was told she had a week to live. She had thought she had a cold but when she finally got around to going to the doctor they found out she had fluid building up in her lungs and was in the hopital for a week. When she got out they assaigned her to hospice and a bi weekly lung drain which is very painful to her. We were all preparing for the worst but 4 weeks later shes still kicking...and got to spend another holiday with us. I am hoping she will at least last till the new year. Maybe a few more years even. She is my favorite person in the world and I will never be ready to see her go. I am so so thankful that Ive gotten to spend more time with her this past month. She really is a blessing and an amazing women.

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