Thursday, June 9, 2011


My internet has not been working the past while and blogger doesnt work on my phone so yes I have been MIA for a while. I dont really have too much to report though, pretty much just working and working out as usual.
I am really excited where hot yoga has been taking me. I can see definition starting to form in my arms and stomach finally!!! The weird thing is I have been eating less and working out once if not 2 times a day but I actually have gained weight, what is going on body!!! Quit that!!

This week is so busy at work its not even funny. The groupon that we sold in December is expiring this month so everyone has been rushing in to claim their services. I have had like 3 of the big two hour packages everyday, PLUS other smaller services!! Its definitely a lot for my poor back to handle.

I am ready for another vacation/roadtrip!! I want to go back to California or actually if I can save enough money I would really like to go to Europe!!!

I got to go back to work now but Ill see yall later!!!

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